International Women’s Day Celebration Ideas

International Women's Day Celebration Ideas

18 Feb 2021

Women's Day serves as the perfect time to show appreciation for the female workers in your office. Not to say that you should not appreciate your female employees on other days but Women's Day is something that warrants special acknowledgement and cherishing for all the women of the world. As an office head, you can come up with a few things to help women celebrate Women's Day and make them feel valued members of your team.

International Women's Day Celebration Ideas

Here are a few things you to make sure the lovely ladies in your office are celebrated:

Announce a Dress Code

One of the best ways to make women feel special is to announce a dress code for Women's Day. Choose a colour that is widely regarded as feminine and make every employee wear it on the day of the celebration. Having all the employees dressed in a single colour shows solidarity and goes a long way in recognising the efforts women put into their work.

Not to mention, having all your employees clad in a single colour boosts a friendly office culture are spreads awareness about how our female counterpart stand shoulder to shoulder with us in every aspect of the work and If you are finding it hard to figure what kind of dress your should wear, then you must consult with personal fashion stylist to overcome this issue.

Personalised Gifts

You can make your female employees feel extra special by presenting with personalised gifts. You can offer flowers, chocolate, or cards to all your female employees but make sure to also include a message for each of your employees to make sure they feel special.

Take some time out and figure out a message for every single female employee and make sure you deliver the message along with the gifts you have chosen for them. This will not only be a great way to celebrate International Women's Day, but it will also make your female employees feel special and valued.

Team Outing

Take this Women's Day out of the confinement of an office and into the wild. Plan an outing with all the female employees in your office and treat them to a luncheon party at an exclusive restaurant. Alternatively, you can also plan a picnic and have all your female employees participate. Figure out activities and games for women to participate in and make sure the theme of the event remains centralised around women.

Wellness Sessions

Women have to go through a lot on a daily basis and often in their dedication towards their work they seem to forget to take care of their own selves. Let this Women's Day be the day where you acknowledge women's selfless devotion towards their family and work and organise a wellness session for them where they take some time off their daily routine and indulge in a wellness session for themselves.

Wellness Sessions

You can choose the type of session you should go with. Whether you organise a yoga, aerobics, or meditation workshop or the ones that cater particularly to mental health, make sure every female employee in your office participates and has the best of their time.

Stick with Women's Day Theme of the Year

This year's Women's Day Theme is #ChoosetoChallenge. As the name suggests, this year Women's Day is all about women challenging the narratives that make them feel inferior, small, or unworthy. Whether it is the workplace environment or their general lives, women face discrimination, gender bias, and stereotyping everywhere throughout their lives.

Take this Women's Day to highlight such issues and spread awareness about how we can help eliminate such concepts from the face of the planet. You can choose to call in a female leader from another organisation and have them deliver a speech about the challenges women face worldwide and what can be done to get rid of such mindsets.

Above all, ensure the female employees in your office have the best time during Women's Day. Value their contribution and lay down the importance of having a woman by your side in different aspect of your life.