10 Pro Tips to Protect Your Skin and Hair From Harmful Chemicals This Holi

10 Pro Tips to Protect Your Skin and Hair From Harmful Chemicals This Holi

25 Mar 2021

It is that time of the year again where we celebrate one of the most popular and heterogenous festivals in India: Holi. Known as the festival of color, Holi is famous worldwide to be the most vibrant and welcoming event in Indian culture.

Holi has been celebrated over the years with colors. However, over time, the festival of color is taking a more eco-friendly turn as people are starting to be more considerate of the environment. Nevertheless, for most of us, there is no avoiding being splashed with a bucket of mixed colors.

10 Pro Tips to Protect Your Skin and Hair From Harmful Chemicals This Holi

If you are someone who finds themselves with dry and itchy skin the day after Holi, chances are you are not taking measures to ensure you enjoy the festival without taking a toll on your skin and hair. Here are a few steps you can take to protect your skin and hair while enjoying Holi to its best:

Dress for it

When we say dress for it, it does not necessarily mean getting yourself in armored water and dust repellent suit that shoots water out of its sleeves. Although that would probably be the best to make sure you are unscathed while you drench others in an assortment of colors. However, you can also enjoy Holi and protect most of your skin by wearing a simple white salwar suit that fits you well. After all, dressing up is an essential part of Holi too. Moreover, a full-sleeve white salwar suit should cover most of your skin while falling in sync with the Holi colors.

Oil your hair

There is no way you can avoid getting color in your hair while playing Holi so it is better to be ready for it. On the day of the festival, wash and condition your hair and apply hair oil to your scalp before tying it up in a bun. This oil in your hair will act as a repellent and keep the liquid color away from your scalp..well mostly. As soon as you are done playing, rush to the washroom and clean your hair thoroughly and let it dry on its own.


Apply moisturizer over your body before you jump into the hotchpotch of colors. You can also use coconut oil to moisturize your skin thoroughly. This will help protect your skin from harmful colors.

A little makeup is always good

Apply a little makeup over your face and make sure it is waterproof. Apply a waterproof base over your face and neck to ensure the colors don't stick around. For your lips, you can either go with vaseline or a long-lasting lipstick.

Watch your nails

If you are someone who loves their nails, you must be having a hard time even thinking about playing Holi. Well, fear not for we have one of the best ways to preserve the aesthetics of your nails while playing Holi. Dip your nails in olive oil to help them avoid soaking in colors and then apply a thick coat of nail paint over them.

Avoid direct sunlight

Avoid getting out in the sun with color-coated skin, especially if the colors are chemical-based. When you are directly under the sun with colors on your skin, your skin ends up absorbing the colors which could lead to infections.

Cover your hair

If you are especially careful and caring about your hair, it is better to protect them before you are out playing Holi. Use a scarf or a hat to hide your head and protect it from getting soaked.

Wear glasses

We don't often care much about our eyes during Holi, which is surprising given it is one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. Make sure you are wearing sunglasses before you are out splashing yourself in colors. It will protect your eyes, eyebrows, as well as the extra-sensitive area under your eyes.

Remove wet clothes

We are often so invested in celebrating Holi that we forget we have been wearing what feels like a wet bodysuit for the past few hours. When we stay in soaked clothes for too long, we are only exposing our skin to rashes and infections. Moreover, it can also lead to severe body pain over the days. So it is better to get rid of wet clothes after a while if you don't want to deal with later repercussions.

Stay hydrated

This point can't be stressed enough. Your body needs water internally more than externally. And playing Holi for hours is exhausting. Make sure to carry a water bottle with you and stay hydrated. When you are hydrated, your body is at its best functionality, which will come in handy while playing with colors for hours.

10 tips to protect your from hair & skin from harmful holi colours