Interview Skills training at Acharya Narendra Dev College, Delhi University

Interview Skills training at Acharya Narendra Dev College, Delhi University

17 Apr 2018

Image Redefined is glad to report that we had a grand success at Acharya Narendra Dev College. It was attended by over 100 students of the college who are about to complete their graduation in 2018 and will be taking job interviews shortly to step into their professional careers.

Interview Skills training at Acharya Narendra Dev College, Delhi University

Mock interviews were held with a live audience and also one to one basis to give students an almost real experience of a job interview. Some of the most popular segments of the sessions were:

1. Preparing Students for Interviews

2. Correct Body language for a positive influence

3. Etiquette and personal grooming required to make a powerful first impression.

4. CV Making

Interview facing skills are very important these days as talented students lose good job opportunities they deserve because of lack of self-confidence, poor dressing sense, communication fails and inability to present themselves and their skills.

Here some great questions from students of Acharya Narendra Dev College during the Interview skills development session.

1. "What should we wear for interviews?"

2. "What do employers ask us?"

3. "What is the correct way of doing a handshake?"

A good personality with a confident presentation and fluid communication is the key to your success at job interviews. Image Redefined has been conducting Personality Development sessions, Interview Skills development training with college students and corporate employees as well to hone their skills and make them successful in their careers.

You can contact us 91-9871623335 or Visit for a similar interview skill development session at your college.